Business Process Re-engineering
Maximise all infrastructure and resources in your organisation.
Your business is good, but you know it could be so much better. It’s frustrating when you realise your revenue over the years has remained stable, but your profits are falling. And it’s a horrible reality when the competition is beating you at your own game, forcing you to drop your prices just to remain competitive.
Do you now feel complacency has crept in across the whole organisation? Do you have the feeling that innovation is now something that happens somewhere else? You can’t quite pinpoint what needs to change because you are not getting clear, unbiased data but know that change is required?
“Edgeview has a distinctive and effective style in working with me to sharpen my focus on value creation, develop unique strategies and build our management capabilities to maximise value”
Further compounding the businesses plight is when costs continue to rise, yet management cannot accurately provide the true cost to produce a single unit of your products and/or services
Business process re-engineering applies targeted process improvement and enhancement tools; allowing you to agree and develop a new environment that is designed, measured, and demands innovation.
It provides new strength to your organisation to aggressively compete without the need to massively disrupt your business. Re-engineering your business processes can bring about improvements in productivity, cycle times, and measurable quality.
No matter what changes your organisation requires, our goal is to come onsite and make the appropriate changes you require to:
- Measurably improve productivity;
- Deliver a reduction in operating costs;
- Enable you to do more with what you have;
- Remove unproductive activities and processes within your business; and
- Ensure employees understand and embrace the need for continuous improvement.
We agree, then deliver a new value system that places increased emphasis on servicing your clients at a lower cost. Most importantly, your employees are motivated and empowered to innovate.
Your organisation will gain the following benefits from process re-engineering:
- Produce valuable, clear data on what your client’s value, and whether you are delivering it. And if not, who is not;
- Mapping and quantifying how & why processes have evolved to their current state – with a clear guide of where blockages are impacting client value;
- A clear alternative to the current way of doing things through innovation;
- Organisation wide understanding of targeted best practices – not just from your peers;
- An agreed new model to reduce waste and provide clients’ what they want and keep pace with the changes in what they want; and
- An internal team of early adopters and a model to maintain an advantage.