Change Management Framework
Certainty in delivering planned change is a must if you are to achieve new opportunities.
New strategies, and executing existing strategies, often call for new capabilities. What skills, knowledge and attitudes are needed? What is the best way to organise those resources? What structures, processes, ways of measuring and managing performance have to be adapted?
Building on each client’s unique business challenges and starting point, we help diagnose their needs, current capabilities and the gaps to fill. A steady approach to implementation is developed with the client based on their need, abilities, timeframe and appetite.
Most would agree a fear of change in the work space for many employees is to be expected and acknowledged. Because, not knowing the potential effect of someone else’s plans for change, and how those changes will affect their job, career, and future can be daunting.
Therefore, for any change initiative to be successful, the impact and the benefits of the change must by clearly and regularly communicated to all parties. It’s a must to ensure all employees know the need for, and the benefits of the planned change.
“Edgeview has a distinctive, highly methodical approach to strategic decision-making working closely with our management to tailor it to the business situation and culture”
We develop and apply a plan for change, supported by an effective communication strategy to clearly explain each milestone, and the consequences of not embracing the company’s catalyst for change.
We reinforce the need for change, explaining the benefits for the company, employees and the path we will take to achieve the change – our goal is to make change normal.
Without a clear message, employees fill the information gaps with their own worst-case scenarios and negativity. Based on our experience of leading and integrating numerous change initiatives, the impact of change is amplified within smaller teams.
Therefore, targeted, repetitive, and detailed communication plans coupled with effective employee coaching is paramount.
- A clear process to direct the required change, limiting the impact of the changes on the business during the change process;
- Develops a lasting change culture – making sure change will be easier the next time!
- Communicates a common understanding and acknowledgement by all stakeholders as to why change is necessary and what it will achieve;
- Ownership and commitment from all employees, teams and managers to work together to deliver their element of the change initiative;
- Firstly, identifying and reinforcing what is currently working well to make sure existing best practices are retained and entrenched; and
- Achieving material, lasting improvements because those improvements were planned, communicated and delivered as expected.